English Bulldog puppies for sale!
Call or text Leslie at 918-798-9912 now for more information!



SOLD! Toby, English Bulldog to a wonderful family in Elk City, OK



SOLD!  Poppy to David H. from Texas , English Bulldog born to Milly and JJ


SOLD! to Josh B.  - Duke, English Bulldog born to Milly and JJ!




SOLD  Susie - Q female English Bulldog born to Mama Mia on Apil, 25th. Dad is Simba.



SOLD to the Miller family from Kansas

Baby Jack male English Bulldog born to Mama Mia on April, 25th. Dad is Simba.


SOLD to ST from Ochelata, OK

Mary Jane female English Bulldog born to Mama Mia on April, 25th. Dad is Simba.




 SOLD! Toby - to a family in Stigler, OK


Thunder - Male - from Mama Mia and Griswold's litter  born October, 2nd.



Tubby - Male - from Mama Mia and Griswold's litter  born October, 2nd.


Tuffy - Male - from Mama Mia and Griswold's litter  born October, 2nd.


Tango SOLD! - to a family in Cushing, OK



Tooties - SOLD! to Paula W. from Bartlesville, OK


All of these beautiful Bulldogs are SOLD!! Penelope and Griswold had 4 English Bulldog puppies, 1 boy, 3 girls born October, 16th




SOLD Tiger Lilly, to a family from Pawnee, OK



Tizzy (female) SOLD born April 1st, 2023  to Milley and Griswold




Tazzy SOLD (female) born April 1st, 2023  to Milley and Griswold


SOLD Theodore - to Gary V. from Arkansas



Elvis needs a loving home; his family is moving to Alaska.
This Ain't no "Hound Dog"! English Bulldog Elvis DOESN'T chase rabbits, he IS high class, he DOESN'T cry all the time and he absolutely LOVES people!! Elvis is 10 months old.
Please Call or text Leslie at 918-798-9912 between the hours of 9am - 9pm (Central Time) for more information.
“Thank You, Thank you very much!"




SOLD Lavern - Female English Bulldog puppy born 9/13/2022 to Penny & Jax



SOLD  Shirley - Female English Bulldog puppy to the Duran Family



SOLD Sugar Foot - Female English Bulldog puppy



SOLD Lola - Female English Bulldog puppy


SOLD Tori - Female English Bulldog puppy


SOLD - Tina (formerly Coco) -  to the Woodward Family.


SOLD - Sandy - female English Bulldog puppy born to Jax & Penny January 31st, 2022



SOLD- Polly - female English Bulldog puppy born to Jax & Penny January 31st, 2022


SOLD  Blue sold to Kelsey Haugh, from Rose Hill, Kansas.  Brindle puppy sold to Quyen Jones from Texas.



Sadie - SOLD to Shania Fussell, Gilmer, TX

Maggie - SOLD to Michelle Murphy Afton OK

SOLD Lightning - to Sean Mitchell, Houston, TX


SOLD Fiona - to Patricia Caldwell from New Jersey

SOLD Thunder - to Jackson Lettich, Tulsa, OK

SOLD Black eyed Susan - to Wendi Bowman, Tulsa, OK


SOLD Jill - to Szczepanski's from Allen, Texas



SOLD Dixie  - to Kristina Manns and family from Menton, IN

SOLD Ringo  - to Caprice Robinson & family from Edmond, OK


SOLD Gypsy  - to Diane Masterson from Broken Arrow, OK


SOLD Sabrina - to the Riemath family from Lorenzo, TX

SOLD Mingo  - to Lindsay Bruce from Rockwall, TX

SOLD Savannah - to Nicole Crooms, Vallejo, CA.


 SOLD - Lulu - to Paul Irvin & family from Mill Creek , WA

SOLD - Lucy -  to a wonderful family from Midwest City, OK


Charity SOLD "there to provide help to one another"- female born 3-23-2020 to Cinnamon & Bull


Grace SOLD "of courteous goodwill to all"-  female born 3-23-2020 to Ruby and Gunner


Hope  SOLD"an optimistic state of mind and belief "  female born 3-23-2020 to Ruby and Gunner


Mercy SOLD "a since of compassion" male born 3-23-2020 to Ruby and Gunner


Raphael  SOLD "the patron Saint of healing"  male born 3-23-2020 to Ruby and Gunner



Moose - SOLD to Dustin Manly from Broken Arrow, OK



Bouncer - SOLD to the Price family from Broken Arrow, OK




Sasha - SOLD female English Bulldog born 12-11-2019 to Moon Pie & Bull



Snicker Doodle - SOLD Male English Bulldog born 12-11-2019 to Moon Pie & Bull



Sabrina - SOLD female English Bulldog born 12-11-2019 to Moon Pie & Bull



Billy John - SOLD to David Perez and family from Benton, AR


Bubble Licious -  SOLD to the Manila family from Tulsa, OK


Coco Puff -  SOLD to the Idalia Garcia and family from Newton, KS


Gum Drops -  SOLD to the Swigart family from Sand Springs, OK


Jake -  SOLD to the Littleton family from Lewisville, TX

Jo Jo -  SOLD to the Laurie Haworth from Tulsa, OK


John John-  SOLD to the Baker family from Bixby, OK

Rosco - SOLD male English Bulldog born 6-4-2019 to Ginger & Bull



SOLD Nikki - male English Bulldog puppy for sale born to Moon pie & Bull



SOLD Baxter - male English Bulldog puppy for sale born to Penny & Jax 2-19-2019


SOLD Buster- male English Bulldog puppy for sale born to Penny & Jax 2-19-2019


Winslow- SOLD to Renee Miller from Seafork, VA 



Nuggets- SOLD to John Winslow from Bozeman, MT 



 Sparky- SOLD to John Winslow from Bozeman, MT



 SOLD  Geronimo English Bulldogs puppy for sale born to Cinnamon & Bull


SOLD  Sitting Bull English Bulldogs puppy for sale born to Cinnamon & Bull



Jasper - SOLD to the Richardson Family,  Dallas, TX 


SOLD to Wilson family of GlenPool, OK


Lollipop - SOLD to the Justus family, Perry, OK




 Shooter- SOLD  to David Cantu & Family of Aransas, TX.




Nipper aka Truck- SOLD male English Bulldog puppy to Gioia Buchanan of Owasso , OK




Lady Ellie Sold to Kelly Lehto and family from Aurora, CO



Lady Bug - Sold to Lucita Rose Marie Guarre Colorado Spring, CO


Sir Henry English Bulldog Sold to Rayner Hall



Sir Malcolm English Bulldog Sold to Rayner Hall




Chloe - SOLD to the Perez family from Tulsa, OK



Arizona -SOLD to Meko Fields-Breckenridge from Cedar Hill TX.



Cinnamon - SOLD!




Pepper - SOLD